More than Scars Page 5
I blushed. “Nice thought, but I will just respect his wishes and leave him be.”
Mary rolled her eyes. “Who ever said he wanted to be left be?”
I didn’t have time to absorb her words. The girls came racing into the room, ready to eat.
“Daddy says he’s giving us riding lessons today Rissa! He dropped by our room after you had gone down!” Brianne did a little dance. “Right after breakfast he said!”
“Well, how lucky for you,” I laughed. Not a day had gone by that she didn’t mention going riding with her daddy. “You and Amelia?”
Her head bobbed.
“Well then you better get a big breakfast in you! I’ll braid your hair too! A good rider must have no distractions, right?”
Amelia cuddled into my side. “You come too Rissa?”
I smiled down on her. “This is just Daddy and daughter time. Maybe one day I will.”
Brianne pouted. “It’s not fair,” she sighed.
“Aw, do not ruin your fun day over me Bri.” I stroked the soft hair that always bounced back with curl. “Your Daddy is jealous over his time with you!”
She shook her head. “I don’t know what that means.”
I smiled at her. “It means, he doesn’t want to share his time with you with anyone.”
Brianne’s lip stuck out. “Well that’s not nice. I have to share everything!”
Mary and I both laughed at this. I hefted her up on her stool. “Eat!” I ordered gently, kissing the top of her head.
I lifted Amelia too, who put her arms about my neck in a squeeze. I squeezed back. They were already weeding their tiny little selves into my life. I would miss them while they were gone.
It was all I could do to tamp down their excitement and get some food in them. I had them upstairs soon after, braiding each little head. I then helped them into their riding outfits. I positively gushed over their cuteness.
“I need to find my camera! You two are too adorable. I’ll just be one second,” I announced. I ran for it. They modeled patiently for me as I took a few shots.
Stewart was soon at the door to take them to their father. He gave me a small smile, and they were gone.
I sighed, and made my way back to my bedroom. Perhaps I’d read! I hadn’t picked up a book, well, other than children’s books since I arrived. I muddled through the vast selection and chose a volume from a shelf in my living room. Perhaps I’d make good use of the soft couch!
I then heard happy chatter outside, and realized, I had a view of the stables from my bedroom window! I could at least see their happy retreat! I hurried to the window, and smiled at the scene.
Each girl was on either side of Liam, holding tightly to his hand. I dropped my book, and grabbed my camera, needing to capture such a moment! I got my picture, and set the camera aside, to watch. The girl’s braids bounced, as they skipped beside him. It made me smile.
I studied the back view of their father as well. He was broad shouldered and tall, as I knew he would be. His dark hair was nearly blue with the autumn morning sunlight in it. His leather jacket hugged him tightly. It did no good to ride in loose fitting clothing. My eyes wandered and blushed, realizing I was admiring his riding breeches far too much. He wore riding clothes very well! Indeed, he was a marvelous sight…. all the way down to his knee high riding boots. I admired longer, until they disappeared into the stables. Their disappearance left me feeling bereft.
I picked up my book, and headed for my comfy couch. It was a good read, and I was soon engulfed in the romance. I waved off lunch, still full from breakfast, and dug deeper into my book. I should have been searching the premises now that I was free of child, but couldn’t tear myself away from the story.
A buzzing from my phone did catch my attention. It was Alonso for the fiftieth time in one week! I ignored it, and continued reading. He was too protective for his own good! When it buzzed again, I growled and answered. “You know, if you keep pestering me with your little qualms, I may just never speak to you at all! Ever again!”
A pause on the other end, and I thought I had my brother speechless! I was so proud of myself.
“Well then that would just be a shame Miss Meadows,” a yummy baritone voice chided me.
I almost dropped the phone. I did succeed in dropping my book. “Mr Byrne! I’m so so so sorry! I thought you were my brother again.”
A soft chuckle tickled my ears.
Why was he calling? Was there an emergency? He said calls only for emergencies, otherwise text! “Are the girls ok?”
“They are doing great! We just stopped for lunch…Mary Bell packed for us. We were having the most delightful conversation.”
I smiled at the playfulness in his voice. “Oh?”
He chuckled again. “Yes, apparently I am selfish, and I should learn to share.”
I blushed. “Oh yes, about that…”
He laughed softly. “I got the gist, and a life lesson from my daughter. She must share, I must share! She even said she would share you with me, just to make things fair.”
The warmth in my cheeks rose to flaming temperatures. “Kids say the darndest things,” I said lamely.
“Hmm, no she’s right you know? They enjoy their time with you…with me. Why don’t we incorporate it? We can be creative.”
I smiled into the phone. “How so?”
“How about we watch a movie together tonight? It’s dark…I will hide away, and still allow them to enjoy duel time.”
I felt a thrill at the invitation. “Yes, I would love that Mr Byrne.”
Suddenly my book wasn’t so very interesting. I picked it up off the floor and set it gently on the table.
“Mr Byrne…I know I should not be questioning my employer, but I thought the phone was for emergency only between us.” What was I nuts? Only a fool would remind him! I wanted to hear from him, I wanted him to feel comfortable enough to call just to say hi! Why was I reminding him of a rule that would prevent that?
There was silence on the end for a moment. Then he chuckled, and I sighed. “I’d forgotten I said that.” He cleared his throat. “I suppose, given what my six year old has brought to light, maybe the reservation to communicate should be more lenient. That is…if you are okay with that?”
“Yes!” I nearly yelled this in the phone. “That is um, yeah sure.” I tried to play it cool. I was sure that I had failed when he chuckled again.
Riding put him in a good mood obviously. He seemed relaxed, charming even. Maybe that was because he had no fear of his appearance. It was sad that this should be so.
“When will you be back?” My heart rushed a little. “That is, when will…all of you be back?” I felt the tumble of my stomach. My cheeks heated.
“You miss us already?” his voice dipped to that baritone I loved.
“Yes I miss you,” I sighed in response, then choked. “That is…of course…the girls, yes, I miss them.” I slapped my hand to my forehead.
He laughed softly. “Well, they miss you too. We will be home in a few hours. I have a couple business calls this afternoon. How about you bring the girls to the theatre around seven? I will join you there. Don’t wait for me. I’m not sure how long work will take, and the girls need to be to bed by nine.”
“Sounds lovely,” I sighed.
“What would you like to watch?”
I smiled, “It should be up to the girls…no?”
“I asked you.”
My tummy fluttered. “Whatever they want Mr Byrne. I promise I will be fine.”
He sighed. “I’ll ask.” He was silent for a second. “But I still would like to know what you would have chosen.”
I blushed. Why? Why was it so important to him? “I like so many movies, it’s hard to choose.”
“I probably have it.” There was no arrogance in his voice he was just matter of fact. “What is your favorite Miss Meadows?”
I shrugged and then scolded myself. Yeah brainless, he can’t see you. Words, use your words! “
Ever After?”
“Never heard of it,” he spoke with frustration. “Don’t think I have that…what is it?”
I felt my cheeks warm. “It’s a version of the Cinderella story,” I uttered lamely.
“Oh,” he answered softly. “You are one of those.”
“One of what?” My eyebrows arched.
“A romantic,” he said sarcastically. He softened it with a chuckle. It was a forced chuckle.
“Maybe I am. Is that a bad thing?” I bit down on my lip and waited.
“Seven tonight Miss Meadows.” His voice was hard now, and clipped.
“Okay,” I finally spoke, but too late. He had already ended the call. I blinked, wondering at the sudden change in his voice.
I stared at the phone for a bit rolling through my mind the reasons he would end the call so abruptly, and then decided to just shrug it off. Liam Byrne seemed a bit bipolar at times. I would just have to accept it.
So he wouldn’t try calling again, or storm the Byrne Estate, I decided to call my brother. I knew I would be In for an earful with him. He didn’t like to be ignored.
“Oh well hello stranger,” he answered.
“Al,” I sighed. “I’m a big girl.”
“And I am your brother. A call now and then will not kill you!”
“You just want to interrogate me,” I accused.
“True,” he laughed. “But just to be sure you’re okay.”
“I’m okay,” I bit out.
“Mom and I want to come see you! “
“Give me a few weeks, let me get adjusted, and I will invite you myself,” I promised.
Al growled from the other end. “Fine! Just tell me, are you being treated well?”
My eyes rolled. “No, I’m being tortured! I barely have anything to eat and they make me sleep in the stables!” I shook my head. “It’s great here Al…don’t be worried for me!”
“How can I help it?”
I chewed on my bottom lip. “It’s been nearly sixteen years. I have survived thus far.”
“And you still live in fear.”
My eyes teared a bit. “I feel safe here Al, I promise you that. And the girls make me happy. I’m in a good place.”
I heard him blow out a breath. “Ok,’ he said softly.
I smiled, knowing his concern came from his big heart. “Now, you catch me up to speed on what’s going on with you, and I will reciprocate. Deal?”
We talked for another half hour, before he was called away on duty. I decided to shower before the children got back. I intended on looking my best tonight. Even if I would be in a dark theatre. Liam Byrne would be there. That was reason enough!
The girls arrived home hours later, bright red cheeks and happy smiles. Time with Daddy was a necessity to them. I hurried them out of their riding uniforms, and into a warm bubble bath. I dressed them in their flannel pajamas, wanting them to be comfy for movie night.
We were surprised when Stewart showed up at the door with pizza.
“Mr Byrne insisted today was to be a fun day!” He set the pizza on a table in the girl’s room. Another servant set out the plates, And yet another followed with cups and a two liter of Coke.
“Does Mr Byrne expect his children to sleep tonight?” I giggled, seeing Amelia eyeing the pop with delight.
Stewart chuckled and gave me a wink. “Have fun tonight Nerissa.”
Embarrassed, I ducked my head.
Brianne and Amelia danced around the table. It was a rare treat for them to get pizza. Liam was insistent on a healthy diet for them. Overly protective in my mind, but I respected him for it. Besides, if the girls ate healthy, I ate healthy. My waist line should thank him.
But healthy was not the plan tonight! I savored each bite of the pepperoni pizza!
We waddled our full bellies to the theatre room, and found comfy spots in the plush chairs. I couldn’t help looking around in awe at the state of the art room. Never had I been in a more comfortable, more lavish theatre!!
Stewart appeared with the popcorn. I bit my lip and resisted the temptation of the buttery treat. The girls did not show restraint even for a moment. I did insist they have milk instead of more pop. Frowning faces followed my words. But I wanted to sleep tonight, not stay up with sugar frenzied girls. Brianne had studies in the morning.
We sat back and waited for the movie to start. The lights lowered in the room, and our eyes turned to the wide screen. I couldn’t help my smile, then the rush of butterflies in my stomach when the movie began, and I realized it was Cinderella. Not Ever After…but the animated version.
“Did you girls choose this?” I whispered trying to keep my voice nonchalant.
They both shook their heads.
“I chose it,” a baritone muttered from the back of the room.
My heart thudded hard against my ribs, attempting an escape I am sure!
“Hi Daddy,” the girls chorused, their eyes never leaving the screen.
I held back my smile, even if he could not see me.
“Does it displease you?” He did sound concerned over this.
I turned slightly, not quite looking at him, but there was his silhouette. “Quite the opposite,” I murmured, and then settled in to watch.
As I had expected, Amelia crawled into my lap when the stepmother made her appearance.
“She’s scary Rissa. Make her go away!”
I cuddled her close, happy for the warmth, since the room was rather cool. “She can’t hurt you,” I said softly, and brushed back brown curls.
In that same moment a warm blanket covered the two of us from above. One corner was gently tucked behind one of my shoulders, the other smoothed around Amelia by a scarred hand. He too brushed curls from the girls forehead, and I sensed him move away. From my peripheral vision I saw him do the same for Brianne.
“Thank you Daddy,” she sighed, cuddling in to its softness.
He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
I assumed he was going to retreat to the back of the room again. Instead, he sat down behind us. I heard him settle in. I heard the sound of silk against silk, as he undid his tie. Apparently he had rushed from his meeting, not even stopping to make himself comfortable. He popped open the buttons of his vest, and rested it with the tie on the seat beside him.
I tried to remain obtuse, and watch the movie, but everything about him drew my attention. I heard his contented sigh, as he leaned back. I could smell the lovely fragrance he always wore, and I swore I could feel his eyes on me, but that was just fantasy. Minutes later I heard his soft even breathing, and was certain he had fallen asleep. He worked too hard.
I gently moved Amelia from my lap, and tucked the blanket around her. I set my finger to my lips to hush their questions. Making my way to the back of the room, I searched the shadows, and saw what I was looking for. Gathering it, I entered the row behind Liam Byrne. I stopped just above him, looking down at the top of his head, covered in his beautiful hair. My smile couldn’t be helped, as I settled the warm blanket over him. I tucked it gently around his broad shoulders. He smelled so good as I leaned in to be sure he was fully covered. I couldn’t resist taking a sniff. I would have to find out the brand he wore. My eyes hungrily looked over the dark locks, and I had to touch, just this once. It may be my only chance. My fingers trembled, as I brushed them through the silken hair. It felt sinful and it felt wonderful.
I jumped when long fingers closed about mine. I had no strength to tug them back. I had no resistance, as my hand was pulled down, and warm lips feathered the back of it. My heart stopped! Literally, it stopped. His mouth was hot, and his lips soft. I felt shock, and I felt excitement. My euphoria plummeted though when words followed his action.
“Thank you Jade.” Then his hand dropped from mine.
I bit back a protest. Jade? My mind tried to compute what that meant. I should not have searched so readily for the truth because when it came to me, so did tears. Jade was his wife. My action and his fatigue recreate
d a memory. A memory of something she had probably done for him many times over. I was not in the habit of jealousy, especially jealousy over someone who had passed. But I felt jealousy over Jade Byrne. And I was a silly girl for it!
I gathered together my wits, and returned to my seat with Amelia. Suddenly, the movie didn’t mean that much to me. His kind act seemed void. It was simply that, a kind act, and not a romantic gesture, as my fantasy addled brain had made it out to be. I really could be a school girl at times!
By the end of the movie, Amelia had grown heavy in my arms. She was fast asleep. I glanced over at Brianne, and she was snoring softly.
I jumped when a hand rested on my shoulder.
“I’ll carry Brianne. Can you manage Amie?”
It was the first time I’d heard that nickname for Amelia. I nodded, not looking up. The three year old barely weighed a thing.
Slowly I got to my feet, and led the way out. I could feel him behind me, but in light of what I just experienced, it wasn’t quite as exciting. We entered the darkened room, and I did not pause for the light. I knew perfectly where the bed was, and I also knew Liam would be more comfortable in the dark.
I laid Amelia gently down, and sensed Liam doing the same.
He cleared his throat, as I straightened up.
“I hope you enjoyed your evening.”
“Yes, I did,” I said softly. “Thank you.”
“I’m glad. I hope you are liking it here Miss Meadows. The girls certainly love you.”
“I am Mr Byrne, and I’m pretty wrapped in them too. You have the loveliest children.”
He chuckled softly. “They are my pride and joy.”
“That’s obvious.” I bit my lip. “I really want to thank you for hiring me. I couldn’t have picked a better position.”
“Even with your oddball employer?”
I laughed, and then covered my mouth, scared I would wake the girls. “You are not odd Mr. Byrne. You’re just careful. I can respect that. I do respect that.” I stared down at my feet.
“I really like you,” he whispered.
Silence hung between us.
I could hear him breathing, and tried to keep my breathing steady.
“See me out?”
I followed him to the door. He stood at the doorway, his back to the light of the hall. His face was in shadows. I stared straight forward, where I knew his chest would be. I also knew he had the benefit of seeing me. I worked hard to control the emotion on my face.